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The Fast Tracking Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic Creating Digital Transformation

The Fast Tracking Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic Creating Digital Transformation

The coronavirus has compelled the world to rethink every phase of our daily lives – whether its work, school or entertainment. The bans on travel, school closures, gatherings, distancing from humans to prevent the spread of this virus have made people turn on the digital tools to ensure things are still normal. It is a crucial aspect now digitally transform our workplaces and education for effective operation. The companies who are able to rethink their business embracing the digital transformation will be ahead in this competition. 


The distributed workforce models followed by companies are forced to take up the work from home transformation. This has a significant effect on having not much impact on the negative side of the business. Many top brands of the United States like – Twitter, Google, JP Morgan was working on the remote work policies and taken things to action prior to the notice of the world. 

But one cannot skip over the fact that due to lack of proper technology infrastructure many companies are not able to offer that capability which could have made businesses operate as usual. One thing for sure – with this COVID-19 an unexpected outcome has made companies realize the power of fast-tracking digital transformation. 

When the lockdown was turbulent in many parts of the world like China, the government and many organizations encouraged millions to start work from home, which made them experiences the advantages and disadvantages of this culture too.  

There were companies that were set up with appropriate technology and many companies' cultures failed to root the same. As a result in month’s times, these companies could account for the loss of the business. 

Through this pandemic, many companies will go back to rigid workforce policies, while many will realize the benefits to employees and process the same in a strategic approach.  Further, they can at least now be prepared to understand the needs and how to streamline the needs on a work from the home culture that could be a need in the future due to any other outbreak. 


The public health officials were pushing the telehealth sector to focus on digital transformation much before COVID-19. The telehealth technology could diagnose those without illness but had a fear that they might fail to seek treatment in overcrowded areas through this technology. The usage of telehealth medicine has a critically important impact to slow the transmission. Health care systems are being compelled to identify and overcome the challenges fast and foremost with the COVID-19 pace. So, let us understand that the telehealth digital transformation is not just the need of an hour but a move that really emphasizes the potential of telehealth in the future.


With the pressure of COVID-19, schools and colleges started to turn on the virtual learning process. Universities like Harvard Business School Online have experience in virtual learning programs and were better prepared for this transition.  But the majority of education hubs were really not prepared for this online class system and faced a gamut of issues to make the process fall in its line. 

Many k-2 Institutions are running virtual ensuring to bridge the gap between teachers and kids have access through technology or tools to keep learning from home. Although the shift in digital transformation is disruptive as many were not prepared in the future the gap is soon going to be filled in a much more effective manner.


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many conferences worldwide have been canceled. The Mobile World Congress was the first conference to be canceled due to safety measures. ‘Google Cloud-20’ was canceled and became a digital connect free global, digital-first multi-day event. Conferences or Conclaves are a trillion-dollar business sector which has been an imperative way to exchange ideas creating better professional relationships. With the outbreak, many businesses have started to think out of the box providing alternative options in the interest of public safety infusing virtual platforms combining video, networking, content, and tech virtual tools to create successful events.

This push can become a catalyst for the innovation of tomorrow making a proper platform to make people meet and interact virtually. 


Technology has made things possible for individuals and businesses. Cloud meetings and team collaboration tools made by the World Tech Giants have made remote working and learning easier. Many technology companies have created digital transformation tools for any organization to take up in the free trial run process or lower prices so that they can fight this situation of COVID-19 with confidence, grit, and positivity. 

  • Google has provided free access to advanced functionalities for Hangouts, GSuite, and GSuite Education customers.
  • Microsoft has offered a six months trial to schools and hospitals to keep operating even with the limits of CORONA VIRUS.
  • Zoom – the video conferencing provider saw a rise in the stock price during the crisis and lifted 40 minutes limit to its basic plan for online consultation.

Till the time businesses approach the digital transformation, there is no reason to fall-out during such a pandemic outbreak. Such shifts in digital marketing strategies can, of course, make companies become more resilient to deal with such an outbreak in the future and carry on providing long term value while the time world gets back to the normal.

If your business needs a digital transformation, connect with us!


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