Here Is How Small Team Size Creates Big Impact
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ has this famous pizza rule- ‘ if a team cannot be fed by two pizzas’, that team is too big.
To become the best digital marketing company in India, you need not always have a team as big as 50 or 100 employees. Give it a shot, no company in this world has started with this number. Small Team is the first step and now in this pandemic, most companies must have realized this thing. It’s too tempting to add more people to your silver kitty, but that will always not solve your problem. More people assigned to a project faster it will be delivered- think again and then go for a JOB POSTING.
You can surely add team members when you feel it is the right situation and need of the hour. Just in order to show yourself as the best digital marketing agency in India, you need not keep hiring people and then sack them off at your convenience. This is never supposed to be the goal of any organization. There is a growing consensus that five to eight members’ team will multiple the employee’s potential. This rule is applicable to the team size and is a helpful guideline to increase productivity.
Well, there are companies which have great excellence in work with even a team size less than eight members’ – the reason stands strong as there is a significant growth in the manager-employee relationship. Why exactly is small team size so much effective?
Take a look:-
Increased Engagement
Fewer people working together, less bureaucracy gets involved. When you have small moving pieces, there is equal efficiency as your employees are more engaged and keep a watch on their output.
‘Social Loafing’ is a word that unknowingly prevails in most organization, where individual contribution is perceived to be of less value because of the number of people sharing the task.
Small team size prevents this friction.
Teams with “five to nine employees have relatively higher engagement compared with teams of ten or more employees.”
The benefits of increased engagement alone are astounding.
Effective Communication
A smaller group of people are easier to keep in touch as you are more aware of each person’s responsibilities and how your work fits in.
In a bigger organization ‘ Link Management’ is a factor that echo’s in every project leads ears as a team with bigger size, the number of link needs to be managed among members rises exponentially. In other words, the larger the team, the more difficult it is for members to communicate with each other and check on one another’s progress, and the more muddled and chaotic the project can become. This perhaps does not mean that companies with big team size is worse- No our concept never about this.
It is just that Small Team size is equally effective and result-driven provided one know how to ride on the horse and take its control. Never judge a companies progress with its team size and here is one factor that most job applicants do – they fail to join companies which are in the growing stage, just being reluctant to join a small team. Your progress depends on the opportunities given to you and how to take that responsibility and drive results.
More Innovation
Just as small team collaboration leads to better communication, they’re also believed to prevent groupthink. In contrast, employees in small teams are more likely to voice their own opinions, challenge those of others, and ultimately make better, more thought-out decisions. Sometimes when the team grows large, employees independence and innovation suffers. To prevent this, schedule a smaller meeting with more potential so that they “go with the flow” and more likely come up with individual ideas.
Smaller teams allow for greater accountability, autonomy, and flexibility, both in terms of scheduling- and idea-based changes. They “foster greater trust among team members and less fear of failure.”
Though you may be “the boss,” you are not the sole source of knowledge. Your ultimate responsibility lies in “creating an environment in which everyone can do their best work.”
Depending on how happy you are with the company’s productivity, it may be worthwhile to make some changes. Consider starting with smaller teams, smaller meetings, or have managers responsible for smaller groups.
With the significant change in the aura and advent of digital marketing services with the best of tools and strategies, small teams can empower companies to evolve as the best digital brands making a great impact.
My team cannot function with five to eight persons. Is there anyway you can gain from our ideas?
Buy two pizza and invite five to eight people and then let's decide the flow